Tuesday 30 November 2010

200 years!

My generation has the privilege of living in a globalized and technological world that allow to get a lot of information about the past, what helps to rescue a part of the Chile’ history, I think. We know that our country has changed in several areas that involve politic, social, health, individual and even physical changes. Our common legacy has forced that we are today.

We have been witnesses more of a society change than a millennium or centenary change only.
In politic our contemporary are lived a transition from to be in a dictatorship to a democratic government. This landmark has brought with him political quarrel between the people. But it’s part to live in society, and in democracy it has to have variability and freedom to opine, and they are held up by laws and an informed people.
The above idea was importantly accompanied and influenced the concept of equity, which is reflected in an increasing number of people that accept women working, single parents, homosexual relations, different cultures, domestic violence, among others. All that is possible thanks a knowledge age with new technological development.

Monday 22 November 2010

Learning english in my faculty

The English is a very important language in this days, is the international language through which we can communicate anywhere in the world.
If you want travel, or to study in other country, even in our daily lives, in the University often we must search quality information for different subjects, in this situation you must search a paper published in a major scientific journal, but this information is published in English. For these and other reasons is very important understand this language.
I my case, I can understand a text in English, but is difficult to me understand a conversation or talk with fluent this language.
I always have though that the best way to learn anything is "learning by doing", for this I think that the instance in which I have learned more is doing the blogs. I think that it is very good to write occasionally some lines about different topics because it is similar to real situation, it is more real, and it helps us to simplify one idea, learn more vocabulary, and this way we reach a better perform in the English language.
Also, it is very funny write when the topic we like. But, in my personal experience, sometimes I had a hard time deciding what write to each blog, my imagination was sleeping in those moments. It's terrible waste of time thinking about how to start or how continue, those were my critical moment in English, Lack of Imagination... but, in general it is very good in the development of students.
Also I think that is very important the feedback , that the teacher review our text, because is very difficult improve mistake such as grammatical or spelling mistake without this, which is very important to we don't speak like Tarzan and that we can establish a fluid conversation.
The teacher is always willing to answer questions, and this like to me, because is important to feel the supported by another person who can help improve you, in fact, is very important in our learning.