Friday 14 May 2010

Why I love physical therapy?

When you have to decide what career you want and what is the professional activity that you want to realize for a long time in your life, it's a decision that is not easy to take. I'm not an exception in this regard. I know that I want something related with the health of people, but even so, this careers are a lot! Then, I began by choose what are the activity that I want and I like the close relationship with the persons and the rehabilitation of them. Therefore, the career that is closer to this idea is physical therapty, because you have a close relation with the entire person and not a piece of him or her. Also, in this profession we have many areas to work and it's very good, such as respiratory, trauma, cancer therapy among over. Is a good profession!

Friday 7 May 2010

My website

My favourite site related to my career is
This website has all the information that a physical therapist should know. It´s very complete, because it's the page of the university and has the information that I want to know.

I like this page because it has a lot of data about the objetive that the career has in the Faculty of Medicine. For example, this website has the "professional profile" that is very important to know for the career that you want to study. Also, it has information that is important for the students, such as the teachers's mails and you can communicate with them. This is very useful when you has doubt in different areas such calendar or something matter.

Another thing that is important, is that this page has links of interesting sites, all related with the physical theraphy and the activities that it made.

For all this page is very complete for my career, because gives me a lot of information about physical theraphy that it's very useful for the students that like me, need to know about the career that motivate them.