Saturday 18 September 2010

Levonorgestrel (LNG)

Levonorgestrel (LNG) or popularly known like " day after pill" is a topic very controlversial today, because is related with concept of life begins and differents view points like the Catolic Church and scientists.
Dr. Valenzuela is a important researcher of our university and tell us about this emergency method to avoid pregnancy. He say us, that LNG, anticontraceptive is better than contraceptive effects, because in the last, avoid the implant in the uterus and is dangerous because can to cause ectopic pregnancy.
Also, not only the problem of LNG are the possible complications, if not the ethical problems that causes it, because The Church believe that this method is abortive, in other words, is murder against a inocent baby, but the problem is: is it a life? when begin the life? The Dr. Valenzuela tell us that the scientists consider that life begins when living organism can self-sustaining therefore, although the LNG can produce problems in the implant of fetus, this is not a murder because is effective some days post coitus and is not a living.
Nevertheless, the discussion related about this topic I believe that each women is landlady of her body and can decide about what method want to choose for avoid the pregnancy.


  1. As you say, for me was very interesting know when start the life for the scientists point of view. I agree whit your last point of view I guess the mother is landladey of her body and can decide about what method want to choose for aovid the pregnancy.
    See you later Nico

  2. Yes Nicole, the problem is rather complex. But the more we discuss and know about this and other complex issues, the better decisions we can make, don´t you think? (please try not to use red fonts, it´s hard to read)

