Monday 18 October 2010

Something about stress

First, We must understand that the strees is a natural reaction of the body where it operates a series of defense mechanisms to cope with a threatening situation. This is necessary.
This defense mechanisms can conclude, by certain factors, causing serious health problems. When this natural response is given in excess is an overload of stress affects the body and causes the appearance of diseases and pathological abnormalities that prevent normal development and functioning of the human body.

The general symptoms of stress include:

1 .- Prevalence of sympathetic nervous system. It produces such peripheral vasoconstriction, tachycardia, etc.
2 .- release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, cortisol and enkephalin.
3.-Increase in blood glucose, clotting factors, free amino acids and immune factors.
This occurs in order to increase chances of survival in a near-term threat.

A constant stress can cause problems to the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and the immune system.

How to deal stress:

One way to combat stress is through breathing exercises so that we can voluntarily control breathing, and treating it as calming a stressful situation.

On the other hand it is also important to organize the activities we perform, so we do not have extra concerns. If you have problems is important to talk to someone you trust to not carry them alone. It is also essential to perform regular exercise to improve basic physical condition and also release tension.

From a psychological point of view arises mainly in the control of emotional distress, as well as harnessing the resources of our body. Besides all the above named, electrical stimulation, acupuncture or audio analgesia are alternative techniques for dealing stress and its consequences.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Mario Vargas Llosa wins the Nobel Prize

The writer coming from Arequipa, Perú, won the Nobel prize for literature this 2010. In his own words, he feels very surprised for the prize, in fact, he say that thought that when he was called are a joke.
Now, I'm going to tell a bit about this important man of letters. The first work in the literary field is for a Lima newspaper called "La Crónica" when he has only 15 years, here show his talent for the letters. He write many obras, like "Conversación in la Catedral", where Vargas Llosa, related the underworld Peruvian in this time, detailing a critic vision about his own country specially in the dictatorship topic.
In his life, he has two wifes, two nacionalities and a big and famous friend, Gabriel García Márquez, but after a brawl his friendship has broken, but no only had books in his life, Mario Vargas Llosa try to be a president for his country but lose against Alberto Fujimori in a campaign that he describes like "dirty", after it, he go to Spain and take this citizenship.
In the book, "La fiesta del chivo" (2002), the took the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo in Dominican Republic. This is the important for this autor his don't have border limits and tell us about historical facts in different places of the continent he show us a X-ray of Latin America.