Friday 30 April 2010

In my free time I love [...]

Ok, today I'm gonna talk about my hobbies. I like to do many things and I want them to be different, for example sometimes, when I'm in my house and I don´t have anything do, I love to watch movies, especially Spanish movies, because I like the accent and the way that they made it. In these days in my house, I like to listen to music too, the different styles, sometimes Chilean songs or music in English, it depends on the day.

I love to go with friends to the cinema, although I don't go a lot. Usually we go to walk across the parks and things like that, because it's so relaxing to sit on the grass and we talk about our lives for hours. Also, I love to dance and go to places where the music is varied and where they have pop music.

I believe, that hobbies are very important for to know to the persons, the things that this person likes and you know how this person is.

Friday 23 April 2010

earth surprises

The morning of 27 of january everybody had a change, and a great change. The previous day all are completly normal, La Noche gives us a show in the last days of the Festival de ViƱa and makes that miles of persons sang his songs and dance with them, but it festive atmosphere change dramatically a few hours after.
I woke up suddenly when my sister turned on the light and I didn't understand what was happening, but immediatly I caught the situation. I remember that I felt afraid, because it was so strong and so long, but I didn´t lost the control of the situation. Another thing that is very clearly of those day, is the noisy. I heard as if all was falling on the grove, when really, in my case, are only noisy, luckily.

Friday 16 April 2010

In the first time

Well, well, this is my fisrt post. I´m Nicole (or naicolson) and I study physical therapy at the Universidad de Chile.
I'm 19 years and I live in Santiago, in fact, I was born here and my all live is here. I love to go out for a walk with my friends and do things diferents with them.
Something very important for me, is my mp3 because I like listen my music that is really, really varied because I had pop, rock, indie and many things that a I hear according to my mood. Sometimes, I listen music in spanish like Shakira, I love her songs! or chileans musicians like Javiera Parra that had a covers very good.
My objects, in this blog are get a good level in english and to write more fast and clearly, because my redactions it's not very well.