Saturday 26 June 2010

My future with the physical therapy

In the physical therapy we have much ways and I love it, because allows me many options, in many areas. However I know that area and I like it more than others: the neurological area, because have all I need, I can work with people of all ages and I want it in my future. I like more children but I don't want work all my life only with them. I would like to work in major health centre, because in my career and in the area that I want it's very important have the resources to make a good therapy. Also, I want to work with a team because I don't like the lonely work, I believe that in rehabilitation is more effective the work in team.
Another thing that is important: the working hours, for me, the work must be with a normal work day, namely, than allows to be with your family and friends and you don't live for the work.
Also, my dream job had a good infrastructure, because it's important have a nice place, that makes feel good. In relation to salary it be sufficient for to live and hopefully allows me travel for different places, because this is my dream, to know many places of Chile and the world, places that be absolutly news to me with other people and other culture. I believe that it's funny.
Finally, I will say that I want a place that mark a before and after, in the lives of the persons that will be my pacients. That is priceless for me.

Friday 18 June 2010

Preventive Health in physical therapy

The prevention is very important in the health career because is the form to maintain a good health, because the treatments helps in our health, but is not as effective like the prevention that are the best method in health.
Everything knows that is "better safe than sorry" and in health is not the exception. When we speak about prevent, we want to say as avoid behaviors that to mean a risk for our health. First of all, we must be very careful with the food that we eat, because must have all nutrients that we need, namely, proteins, vitamin, carbohydrate and a bit of fat, as show the food piramid, because in this manner our body will be able to less sick and avoid weight problems as obesity, that we knows has bad consequences in our muscles, bones, joints and different systems also can produce mental disorders for the bad quality of food.
The physical therapist can promote prevention encouraging sport and healthy living, I am going to dwell with the first point, because in our career it is very related with it. A health body it is a body that used all estructures and train this. Practice exercise makes more resistant against external aggressions and helps us to maintain integrity of musculoeskeletal system and prevent other illnes as cardiovascular diseases and makes us feel better.

Friday 11 June 2010

A stereotype more...

For many years, the woman fight for a space for her in the society, trying to find a way to development beyond the familiar responsabilities and houseworks, a space for her laboral future and life prospect.

This change in the mentality of woman entail a change in the role both family as couple, where she is more proactive and her opinion and dreams are important in the familiar decisions.

Also, the man changes this activities, for example, some decades ago, are unthought that the woman works and the man helps her in the housework and children care, but it is a reality now.

For another hand, the fight of woman for her rights do not mean that be a war with man, it is a fight that do not with the opposite sex, it is against the social injustice and discrimination.

Man and woman can to complement because are not the same, are very different in her or his way to see the life, it is the big reason for can get along. Personally I do not believe that you get on well with man or woman it depends of persons not gender.

In general, the woman are most delicate that man and for it, usually work in activities related with children, but it's no a rule, each person is free to choose the activity that want to work.

Friday 4 June 2010

What we eat ?

Everybody knows that food is necessary to live, but in our society it has a more important sense, because it's the pillar of our social activities, for example when we want to go out something very important is to ask ourselves: where to eat? or what shall we eat?

In my opinion, in this topic it's very important how to cook it, (for example, I love fresh rice, in fact, with chick peas it's my favourite dish) because the conditions change with the preparations. But, as students don't have much time and for this reason, sometimes we eat food that isn't healthy, like junk food. Besides having a short time, we don't have a lot of money and almost always, this bad food is cheaper than healthy food. Precisely, this kind of food is our "enemy", because it doesn't give the necessary nutrients for our metabolic needs and it has too much fat! We clearly know all the consequences of obesity...

For me, a good place to eat is where they have a good atmosphere and obviously good food, in other words, that is varied and innovative. More places in the center of Santiago and Providencia have this characteristics for eating delicious food and without guilt.