Friday 11 June 2010

A stereotype more...

For many years, the woman fight for a space for her in the society, trying to find a way to development beyond the familiar responsabilities and houseworks, a space for her laboral future and life prospect.

This change in the mentality of woman entail a change in the role both family as couple, where she is more proactive and her opinion and dreams are important in the familiar decisions.

Also, the man changes this activities, for example, some decades ago, are unthought that the woman works and the man helps her in the housework and children care, but it is a reality now.

For another hand, the fight of woman for her rights do not mean that be a war with man, it is a fight that do not with the opposite sex, it is against the social injustice and discrimination.

Man and woman can to complement because are not the same, are very different in her or his way to see the life, it is the big reason for can get along. Personally I do not believe that you get on well with man or woman it depends of persons not gender.

In general, the woman are most delicate that man and for it, usually work in activities related with children, but it's no a rule, each person is free to choose the activity that want to work.

1 comment:

  1. I love your post!!!
    I agree that is not a fight against the opposite sex but against discrimination!
