Tuesday 30 November 2010

200 years!

My generation has the privilege of living in a globalized and technological world that allow to get a lot of information about the past, what helps to rescue a part of the Chile’ history, I think. We know that our country has changed in several areas that involve politic, social, health, individual and even physical changes. Our common legacy has forced that we are today.

We have been witnesses more of a society change than a millennium or centenary change only.
In politic our contemporary are lived a transition from to be in a dictatorship to a democratic government. This landmark has brought with him political quarrel between the people. But it’s part to live in society, and in democracy it has to have variability and freedom to opine, and they are held up by laws and an informed people.
The above idea was importantly accompanied and influenced the concept of equity, which is reflected in an increasing number of people that accept women working, single parents, homosexual relations, different cultures, domestic violence, among others. All that is possible thanks a knowledge age with new technological development.

Monday 22 November 2010

Learning english in my faculty

The English is a very important language in this days, is the international language through which we can communicate anywhere in the world.
If you want travel, or to study in other country, even in our daily lives, in the University often we must search quality information for different subjects, in this situation you must search a paper published in a major scientific journal, but this information is published in English. For these and other reasons is very important understand this language.
I my case, I can understand a text in English, but is difficult to me understand a conversation or talk with fluent this language.
I always have though that the best way to learn anything is "learning by doing", for this I think that the instance in which I have learned more is doing the blogs. I think that it is very good to write occasionally some lines about different topics because it is similar to real situation, it is more real, and it helps us to simplify one idea, learn more vocabulary, and this way we reach a better perform in the English language.
Also, it is very funny write when the topic we like. But, in my personal experience, sometimes I had a hard time deciding what write to each blog, my imagination was sleeping in those moments. It's terrible waste of time thinking about how to start or how continue, those were my critical moment in English, Lack of Imagination... but, in general it is very good in the development of students.
Also I think that is very important the feedback , that the teacher review our text, because is very difficult improve mistake such as grammatical or spelling mistake without this, which is very important to we don't speak like Tarzan and that we can establish a fluid conversation.
The teacher is always willing to answer questions, and this like to me, because is important to feel the supported by another person who can help improve you, in fact, is very important in our learning.

Monday 18 October 2010

Something about stress

First, We must understand that the strees is a natural reaction of the body where it operates a series of defense mechanisms to cope with a threatening situation. This is necessary.
This defense mechanisms can conclude, by certain factors, causing serious health problems. When this natural response is given in excess is an overload of stress affects the body and causes the appearance of diseases and pathological abnormalities that prevent normal development and functioning of the human body.

The general symptoms of stress include:

1 .- Prevalence of sympathetic nervous system. It produces such peripheral vasoconstriction, tachycardia, etc.
2 .- release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, cortisol and enkephalin.
3.-Increase in blood glucose, clotting factors, free amino acids and immune factors.
This occurs in order to increase chances of survival in a near-term threat.

A constant stress can cause problems to the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and the immune system.

How to deal stress:

One way to combat stress is through breathing exercises so that we can voluntarily control breathing, and treating it as calming a stressful situation.

On the other hand it is also important to organize the activities we perform, so we do not have extra concerns. If you have problems is important to talk to someone you trust to not carry them alone. It is also essential to perform regular exercise to improve basic physical condition and also release tension.

From a psychological point of view arises mainly in the control of emotional distress, as well as harnessing the resources of our body. Besides all the above named, electrical stimulation, acupuncture or audio analgesia are alternative techniques for dealing stress and its consequences.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Mario Vargas Llosa wins the Nobel Prize

The writer coming from Arequipa, Perú, won the Nobel prize for literature this 2010. In his own words, he feels very surprised for the prize, in fact, he say that thought that when he was called are a joke.
Now, I'm going to tell a bit about this important man of letters. The first work in the literary field is for a Lima newspaper called "La Crónica" when he has only 15 years, here show his talent for the letters. He write many obras, like "Conversación in la Catedral", where Vargas Llosa, related the underworld Peruvian in this time, detailing a critic vision about his own country specially in the dictatorship topic.
In his life, he has two wifes, two nacionalities and a big and famous friend, Gabriel García Márquez, but after a brawl his friendship has broken, but no only had books in his life, Mario Vargas Llosa try to be a president for his country but lose against Alberto Fujimori in a campaign that he describes like "dirty", after it, he go to Spain and take this citizenship.
In the book, "La fiesta del chivo" (2002), the took the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo in Dominican Republic. This is the important for this autor his don't have border limits and tell us about historical facts in different places of the continent he show us a X-ray of Latin America.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Levonorgestrel (LNG)

Levonorgestrel (LNG) or popularly known like " day after pill" is a topic very controlversial today, because is related with concept of life begins and differents view points like the Catolic Church and scientists.
Dr. Valenzuela is a important researcher of our university and tell us about this emergency method to avoid pregnancy. He say us, that LNG, anticontraceptive is better than contraceptive effects, because in the last, avoid the implant in the uterus and is dangerous because can to cause ectopic pregnancy.
Also, not only the problem of LNG are the possible complications, if not the ethical problems that causes it, because The Church believe that this method is abortive, in other words, is murder against a inocent baby, but the problem is: is it a life? when begin the life? The Dr. Valenzuela tell us that the scientists consider that life begins when living organism can self-sustaining therefore, although the LNG can produce problems in the implant of fetus, this is not a murder because is effective some days post coitus and is not a living.
Nevertheless, the discussion related about this topic I believe that each women is landlady of her body and can decide about what method want to choose for avoid the pregnancy.

Tuesday 14 September 2010


I believe that this films was very interesting, because show the other realities in people's health and as other countries have good policies to care the persons. Is important to emphasize that it's no only resource problem, is a resource management problem, because in the film, USA that have a big financial power but the public health is very bad, is more a business that a governmental concern.
In England and France the reality is completly different I'm going to speak at length about the french sistem, because I saw it reality in the film.
In France, the health is free, because the taxes that paid the French people cover the cost of it. Also, the health not only cover when you have and accident and need medical attention, too when you have your first baby and the government sent you a baby-sitter and many profits more!
Is a bit cruel to make a comparison with Chile, because the sistem here even cover when you need medical attention and it's something that all knows. If you don't have money, you can to get acces to GES (formerly called AUGE) and get a free profit for your diseases, but this sistem have a lot of requirement.
In general in the hospital the people waits a lots of time to be addressed and in some cases, died in the expected. As well, the treatments most used are the more cheap not the more effective.
In other words, It's need more time for Chile to be like France.

Monday 23 August 2010

My favourite movie

When I think about ¿which is my favourite movie? is so complex for me, because depends of time of watch it and I love many movies, then is so difficult to choose. In this moment, when I think one, the movie that comes to my mind is "Todo sobre mi madre" is a Spanish production of famous director Pedro Almodóvar and has all I need in a movie. First, the story is very beautiful with love, deception, intrigue and drama. The characters are well defined and their ways are cross. It makes that story very interesant. For another hand, the ways that Almodóvar shows the events is exciting, for example in a part of the movie, the protagonist's son died and she cried near to him, this scene is focused from view of son and the director transmitted mother's pain perfectly. Another factor is the originality of story, I don't want to say everything, because the idea is watch it, but I can advance that the plot is very interesting. Also, the movie shows about complex subjects like drugs, paternity, sida and gets a movie that takes all elements and achieved a good film like only Almodóvar knows to make it.
In brief watch it!

Friday 2 July 2010

Game over

Well, when something ends, we have to assessment of good and bad things and I'm going to do it. The blog was useful for me to write with greater fluency and more fast, because in to begin it was impossible for me write 200 word in a class! For another hand, write in the blog and not knowing the results of it, it so difficult to know if my text is good or no, in other words, I know that my texts in english are more fluid but I don't know if you can understand it.
Also, is important to emphasize, that in the blog is instance for practice our write in English, because we must do phrases to express all our ideas and make a text for our blog, but I must to insist, feedback is needed in our works, because I don't know my mistakes in past texts, therefore, I can't fix.
I believe too, that this instance with computers, it can use for another activities, not only blog, for example, for listening and to train this part that is so complicated for me through audio files or see fragments of movies in english, obviously, and write and to talk about it. In a sense, we can to say that take more advantage of the computer room in other activities that we can't do in a class room and if we have the computers for our use, we have to exploit all things that we can do with it besides blogging.

Saturday 26 June 2010

My future with the physical therapy

In the physical therapy we have much ways and I love it, because allows me many options, in many areas. However I know that area and I like it more than others: the neurological area, because have all I need, I can work with people of all ages and I want it in my future. I like more children but I don't want work all my life only with them. I would like to work in major health centre, because in my career and in the area that I want it's very important have the resources to make a good therapy. Also, I want to work with a team because I don't like the lonely work, I believe that in rehabilitation is more effective the work in team.
Another thing that is important: the working hours, for me, the work must be with a normal work day, namely, than allows to be with your family and friends and you don't live for the work.
Also, my dream job had a good infrastructure, because it's important have a nice place, that makes feel good. In relation to salary it be sufficient for to live and hopefully allows me travel for different places, because this is my dream, to know many places of Chile and the world, places that be absolutly news to me with other people and other culture. I believe that it's funny.
Finally, I will say that I want a place that mark a before and after, in the lives of the persons that will be my pacients. That is priceless for me.

Friday 18 June 2010

Preventive Health in physical therapy

The prevention is very important in the health career because is the form to maintain a good health, because the treatments helps in our health, but is not as effective like the prevention that are the best method in health.
Everything knows that is "better safe than sorry" and in health is not the exception. When we speak about prevent, we want to say as avoid behaviors that to mean a risk for our health. First of all, we must be very careful with the food that we eat, because must have all nutrients that we need, namely, proteins, vitamin, carbohydrate and a bit of fat, as show the food piramid, because in this manner our body will be able to less sick and avoid weight problems as obesity, that we knows has bad consequences in our muscles, bones, joints and different systems also can produce mental disorders for the bad quality of food.
The physical therapist can promote prevention encouraging sport and healthy living, I am going to dwell with the first point, because in our career it is very related with it. A health body it is a body that used all estructures and train this. Practice exercise makes more resistant against external aggressions and helps us to maintain integrity of musculoeskeletal system and prevent other illnes as cardiovascular diseases and makes us feel better.

Friday 11 June 2010

A stereotype more...

For many years, the woman fight for a space for her in the society, trying to find a way to development beyond the familiar responsabilities and houseworks, a space for her laboral future and life prospect.

This change in the mentality of woman entail a change in the role both family as couple, where she is more proactive and her opinion and dreams are important in the familiar decisions.

Also, the man changes this activities, for example, some decades ago, are unthought that the woman works and the man helps her in the housework and children care, but it is a reality now.

For another hand, the fight of woman for her rights do not mean that be a war with man, it is a fight that do not with the opposite sex, it is against the social injustice and discrimination.

Man and woman can to complement because are not the same, are very different in her or his way to see the life, it is the big reason for can get along. Personally I do not believe that you get on well with man or woman it depends of persons not gender.

In general, the woman are most delicate that man and for it, usually work in activities related with children, but it's no a rule, each person is free to choose the activity that want to work.

Friday 4 June 2010

What we eat ?

Everybody knows that food is necessary to live, but in our society it has a more important sense, because it's the pillar of our social activities, for example when we want to go out something very important is to ask ourselves: where to eat? or what shall we eat?

In my opinion, in this topic it's very important how to cook it, (for example, I love fresh rice, in fact, with chick peas it's my favourite dish) because the conditions change with the preparations. But, as students don't have much time and for this reason, sometimes we eat food that isn't healthy, like junk food. Besides having a short time, we don't have a lot of money and almost always, this bad food is cheaper than healthy food. Precisely, this kind of food is our "enemy", because it doesn't give the necessary nutrients for our metabolic needs and it has too much fat! We clearly know all the consequences of obesity...

For me, a good place to eat is where they have a good atmosphere and obviously good food, in other words, that is varied and innovative. More places in the center of Santiago and Providencia have this characteristics for eating delicious food and without guilt.

Friday 14 May 2010

Why I love physical therapy?

When you have to decide what career you want and what is the professional activity that you want to realize for a long time in your life, it's a decision that is not easy to take. I'm not an exception in this regard. I know that I want something related with the health of people, but even so, this careers are a lot! Then, I began by choose what are the activity that I want and I like the close relationship with the persons and the rehabilitation of them. Therefore, the career that is closer to this idea is physical therapty, because you have a close relation with the entire person and not a piece of him or her. Also, in this profession we have many areas to work and it's very good, such as respiratory, trauma, cancer therapy among over. Is a good profession!

Friday 7 May 2010

My website

My favourite site related to my career is http://kinesiologia.med.uchile.cl
This website has all the information that a physical therapist should know. It´s very complete, because it's the page of the university and has the information that I want to know.

I like this page because it has a lot of data about the objetive that the career has in the Faculty of Medicine. For example, this website has the "professional profile" that is very important to know for the career that you want to study. Also, it has information that is important for the students, such as the teachers's mails and you can communicate with them. This is very useful when you has doubt in different areas such calendar or something matter.

Another thing that is important, is that this page has links of interesting sites, all related with the physical theraphy and the activities that it made.

For all this page is very complete for my career, because gives me a lot of information about physical theraphy that it's very useful for the students that like me, need to know about the career that motivate them.

Friday 30 April 2010

In my free time I love [...]

Ok, today I'm gonna talk about my hobbies. I like to do many things and I want them to be different, for example sometimes, when I'm in my house and I don´t have anything do, I love to watch movies, especially Spanish movies, because I like the accent and the way that they made it. In these days in my house, I like to listen to music too, the different styles, sometimes Chilean songs or music in English, it depends on the day.

I love to go with friends to the cinema, although I don't go a lot. Usually we go to walk across the parks and things like that, because it's so relaxing to sit on the grass and we talk about our lives for hours. Also, I love to dance and go to places where the music is varied and where they have pop music.

I believe, that hobbies are very important for to know to the persons, the things that this person likes and you know how this person is.

Friday 23 April 2010

earth surprises

The morning of 27 of january everybody had a change, and a great change. The previous day all are completly normal, La Noche gives us a show in the last days of the Festival de Viña and makes that miles of persons sang his songs and dance with them, but it festive atmosphere change dramatically a few hours after.
I woke up suddenly when my sister turned on the light and I didn't understand what was happening, but immediatly I caught the situation. I remember that I felt afraid, because it was so strong and so long, but I didn´t lost the control of the situation. Another thing that is very clearly of those day, is the noisy. I heard as if all was falling on the grove, when really, in my case, are only noisy, luckily.

Friday 16 April 2010

In the first time

Well, well, this is my fisrt post. I´m Nicole (or naicolson) and I study physical therapy at the Universidad de Chile.
I'm 19 years and I live in Santiago, in fact, I was born here and my all live is here. I love to go out for a walk with my friends and do things diferents with them.
Something very important for me, is my mp3 because I like listen my music that is really, really varied because I had pop, rock, indie and many things that a I hear according to my mood. Sometimes, I listen music in spanish like Shakira, I love her songs! or chileans musicians like Javiera Parra that had a covers very good.
My objects, in this blog are get a good level in english and to write more fast and clearly, because my redactions it's not very well.